Construction Disputes
Representative Cases
- Numerous cases involving homeowners suing their general contractors, architects, landscapers, pool installers, soil engineers, home interior designers for breach of contract.
- Breach of contract case between the owner, general contractor, engineers, inspectors and subcontractor involving the development and construction of a national grocery store, and the testing and removal of contaminated soil. The owner/developer denied any breach of contract and counterclaimed for construction delay costs.
- Several cases between homeowners, general contractors, subcontractors and vendors pertaining to breach of contract claims and defective and faulty work including windows, roof, solar panels, hardwood floors, plumbing, driveways, patios, pools, walls.
- A subcontractor on five public works projects sued the same general contractor for violation of prompt payment laws, statutory penalty due and wrongful withholding of money due.
- Homeowners sue a construction company and its owner for not providing a proper home improvement contract, not providing change orders, hiring unlicensed subcontractors, failing to pay subcontractors in full and converted sums, abandoning the project, and defective work. Defendants denied all claims.